Introducing American talent Ain't No Other bringing styles of Hip Hop & Rap, along with some smooth melodies and interesting added touches of edgy twists to accompany the vocals.

A.N.O. is a 16 year underground artist from Virginia that released his first project in the winter of 1998. A.N.O. has always stuck to the creed of original music to compliment his light shallow voice bringing his style to life. His career followed a long collection of solo and group projects which from 2006 to recent have been published. He took a 4 year hiatus after his 2008 release titled "Yellow". Experimenting in various genres he released various projects under the stage name of Leon Coles. Returning to the scene again under Ain't No Other with his release "The Album I Threw Away" in 2012. A.N.O. spent the couple years touring with The Outer Circle between 2014 release "Never Really Broke"
Think positive. Be happy. x