Audiation is a magazine full of music goodness. We aim to showcase the amazing talent that does not receive the recognition it deserves.

The digital magazine is FREE to all music enthusiasts in order to give the incredible talent as much exposure as possible.
Issue 002, June 2014
Featuring discussions with DJ Shehzad, Matthew Daniel and Junior UKG & Martin Carr. Including music from Ödland, Jason Bye, DJ S.K.T, Ooberfuse, Pascale B, Champion Records, New State Music & more! Our feature writer, Rokuro also recommends sounds to lend your ears to.
Issue 001, May 2014
Featuring an in depth look into the music industry. Including music from Lauren Mason, Leanne Louise, Blitz Recordings, KDIH, Slime Recordings, Studio Tan, Kelly Pepper, Limestone Recordings, Black Hole Recordings, GTE, Mike Delinquent Project & Malt Barn Recordings.
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