åMBe - Enemy Of The People #alternative
@ambemusic | ambe.
Deep, varied and emotive compositions embrace a truly fascinating voice. The 8-track album consists of an eclectic array of sounds. "I Don't Care No More" is the spotlight piece with superb vocal highs. The subdued tone of "Little Grain" captivates your attention and curiosity. "Monster" has a beautifully crafted texture in both composition and structural balance. An incredible album!
The Russian artist began her journey at the tender age of 4, learning to play the violin and piano. Her gift was acknowledged and she was given strong education in the classical genres, also performing internationally. Though having this good stead, her real passion she found was in America. Her singing and musical talents has since taken her far. She continues to push herself and learn all the aspects of the biz including video direction and working with others.
Think positive. Be happy. x