1st August 2014.
Join Superhand August 1st as they perform at The New Libertines gig at Crisis Skylight Cafe.
The New Libertines stand for human experience in its glorious, messy, complex entirety, and stands against everything that is blank, bleak, and brutal, one dimensional or slick in contemporary culture, especially current literary culture. With roots that spread to burlesque, Beat, fin de siecle France and ecstatic mystics before slapping its influences around the face with a knuckle-dusting of postmodern wit and Modernist anger, New Libertinism is a celebration of light in dark corners, desire in the face of boredom, despair hidden beneath the underskirts of affluence – of everything it means to be human.
This show features multimedia experimental novelist Rohan Quine, Polly Trope – author of the stunning confessional Cured Meat who is coming all the way from Berlin where she runs a column on underground indie culture for Indie Berlin magazine, psychogeographic poet Lucy Furlong, transgressive Literary Death Match winner Dan Holloway, Alice Furse – a writer in the vanguard of a new wave of lyric, edgy 20-something fiction, and multiple slam-winning poet Davy Mac.
Think positive. Be happy. x